1964 The last metallic ore mining operation ended with
Mr. Woods but three mining engineer/consultants' works deserves re-examination, namely
1914 - The Garotte Mine had apparently "bottomed out" in most of its shafts but the one never touched needed
pumping because of groundwater infiltration. Mr. Finney, of Finney Creek fame and his mines to the west, offered to
operate it if the Company bought the pumping equipment but the Board voted it down. So it is still "in inventory".
Recently spelunkers Adam Marty, Jim Sherrill, and Eric Sutherland, working underground, followed the surveys done by
Doe Run in 1911 and found the passageway into the Flooded Mine still flooded although that water seeps above
ground to this day downhill from its Drill Hole nearby. Oddly, only one Company Board member has ever visited this
mine site off the Garotte Mine Road even though it potentially sits on millions of dollars of zinc ore (In 1914
zinc sold for $28 a ton. In 2022, zinc hit $4,500 in August and now sits at around $3,000 a ton.
[See Table 2 below]. In today's dollars, the Mining Company made $324,000,000 [very approximately, smelter price]).