Valles Mines, Missouri, U S A
Founded in 1749 by Francois Valle in the French Upper Louisiana before Lewis and Clark. 275 years later the Valle Mining Company's 4000+ acre property every year absorbs 21,000 tons of carbon dioxide and generates
14,000 tons of oxygen, enough to meet the needs of 63,000 people. [USDA Forest Facts]
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Liberating Death Camps. The war is almost over. April 1945.

One of her final duties: Feed Lifesavers™ to "the Living Dead"

In liberating Nazi Death Camps, the Red Cross found many prisoners too thin ever to be expected to recover from their starvation. Even though for those prisoners the Nazi regime of The Holocaust had been defeated, ironically all they could eat was this candy, Lifesavers®. Mina's job was to hand them out.

"When we arrived the furnaces were still burning."

As a nurse in the front lines of Patton's Third army, her unit supported his front line units when they reached and liberated Dachau, Buchenwald,Auschwitz, and Bergen-Belsen.

[WARNING - Genocide photos - Not suitable for children.]

Edward R. Murrow reports Buchenwald [audio only]

Murrow broadcast the first eyewitness account of the liberation of Buchenwald.

"You couldn't grasp it all"
Buchenwald was the first of the major concentration camps of Greater Germany to be liberated.

Murrow helped to rescue more than 300 European scholars from persecution by the Nazi regime. During Germany's air raids (known as “the Blitz”) Murrow transmitted his reports live to the United States from the rooftops of London.

Images from the 166th Signal Corp. 29 April 1945

Other Prison Camp Locations Signal Corp. photographed:

Image taken by the 166th Signal Corp. at Nurnburg