Battle Of The Bulge
December 1944: The Weather Prayer for the Battle of The Bulge. Stuck at Bastogne, weather so overcast
that air cover could not protect his 3rd Army troops, Nazi Panzer tanks unstoppable without our
planes bombing them, General Patton asked his Third Army's head chaplain,
James Hugh O'Neill, an American Catholic priest for a weather Prayer. While Patton was heard saying, "Father O'Neill has an in
with the Creator", click here to hear Fr. O'Neill's recollection of the event in his own words called
"The True Story of the Patton Prayer" which he wrote to clear up
the different versions of the event, including one by General Patton and another by the Baltimore Sun.
Despite the extreme cold and overcast
"I have never been so cold in my whole life!" Mina Harrison, 18 years old,
recalling the wards in her field hospital in the Battle of the Bulge
"General Patton prayed for fair weather for Battle. He got it." Fr. O'Neill
of winter, the prayer worked. The Allies' bombers got in and Germany's last major counterattack of World War II was over.
Father O'Neill's work was not done, however. [See wedding pictures below] After WW II he also married
Col.William H. Harrison, Patton's youngest General Staff officer to
Mina Cohan, American Red Cross in Munich.
Harrison's prediction had come true.